Wednesday, May 9, 2012

No offense, but there's no offense.

Most fans and analysts assumed the 2012 Detroit Tigers would have very solid starting pitching, a good enough bullpen, below average defense, and a world-class offense.  So far, the starting pitching has been quite good overall and the defense has been serviceable.  The bullpen has had too many late-inning meltdowns, but more than anything, it's been the offense that has underperformed.  When the bullpen must protect 3-2 and 2-1 leads night after night, it stands to reason that they're going to blow a few games.

Lineups along the lines of Jackson-Boesch-Cabrera-Fielder-Young-Raburn-Peralta-Avila-Santiago had Tigers fan salivating before the season began, but the offense has been extremely average so far.  Out of 14 AL teams, Detroit is only 8th in runs, 9th in OBP, and 7th in SLG.  Who's to blame?  Well, outside of Jackson, Fielder, Cabrera, and Avila, along with part-time contributions from Dirks and Laird, the whole roster has hit very weakly.  Peralta has a .676 OPS.  Young is at .605.  Boesch is at .568.  Raburn is at .383 (!).  Really, only Jackson has hit at an All-Star level, and that's just not going to cut it for a team with a payroll north of $119 million. 

Will it get better?  I think so.  Fielder and Cabrera have long track records of being two of the best offensive players in the game.  There are going to be stretches where those two alone carry the team on their backs, though we just haven't seen it yet.  Boesch and Raburn have nowhere to go but up.  Someone has to start hitting at 2nd base, right?  We may already be seeing signs of improvement, as the insertion of Dirks into the #2 slot in the lineup has injected some much-needed speed and energy to the top of the order.

As of now, the Tigers are 15-14 and only 2 games out of 1st place.  They wrap up their series with the Mariners tonight and travel to Oakland tomorrow for a 4-game set against Brandon Inge and the A's.  Hopefully the offense heats up soon...if not, the Tigers will need a few more plays like this game-saving gem by Don Kelly...


  1. I think the hitting will heat up with the weather. But they do need to solidify a few positions like 2nd and left field. And SOMEONE that can pitch in the 8th and 9th without blowing it!

  2. Well Inge really showed us up in the Series against Oakland. I'm truly dissapointed by the actions of Detroiters when they boo'ed him.

    This Friday is the first Firework night of the season. That means Summer can't be too far behind!
